Having been completely demoralized by my performance in the 300 workout I found it quite amazing to believe what I was reading about it online. People claimed to have finished this workout in sub 15 minute times! I couldn't believe what I was reading, it couldn't be true... I had to see proof for my own eyes. So after a short search using the Google machine I found this video:
What did I see? Men and women alike pumping out pull-ups and deadlifts at the same rate of sweat and tears. What planet were these people from?! Planet CrossFit apparently, where humans sweat blood, enjoy pukie, and workout to passout. I had found our new home.
Like an alien in a foreign land I navigated the site and struggled to understand as many of the unabbreviated workouts as abbreviated ones. Luckily for my wife and I the land was inhabited by friendly and helpful people. Videos and explanations of everything. A plethora of useful information on improving both physical fitness and nutritional habits. The community we had found was held together by a common thread. Everyone strives to make themselves a fitter person by utilizing the discipline, respect and admiration involved in completing daily workouts and eating to live.
This is where our CrossFit journey began...
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