Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Rest Day couldn't have come at a better time. I decided to double up on the WODs yesterday in order to complete my first Tabata from the previous day. I just can't seem to let a new WOD go by without setting a baseline for next time. So my second attempt at Tabata went much better. The pull-ups didn't get any better (only 33 in 8 intervals) but my overall score of 332 was pretty decent.

After work I had to tackle the 4 rounds of 800m for time. After the squats at lunch this wasn't easy. My entire core was hurting and my back began to tighten up after the first 800. I also ran on the track, which isn't new to me, but was the first time I used the track for time. The track was definitely harder as I am positive I could pull a 3 flat 800 on the mill yet my best on the track was 3.12. That could be partially due to the double WOD. I'll shoot for sub 3 minutes next time.

Ahh Rest Day. Now if I can just force myself to rest ;) ENDORPHINS!

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